Create your own sides kit to suit your needs.
Using Plywood, you can make any description
of sides that suit your applications.
Lightweight, Strong, Versatile, Easy to Remove & Store Away.
Stake Sides Type Design, Lightweight and Easy to Make from any Material.
Super Strong Too! Plywood is Lightweight & Tough. Strong Enough to Hold Back Falling Loads.
Make any Height up to 1200mm. You Choose The Design & FInish of your Sides.
Using 12 to 17mm Plywood, your can Choose the Plywood You Like & Fit to the Easy Trailer System.
Choose Sheet Size of 2440mm x 1220mm (or 2400mm x 1200mm as an Alternative)...
Have it Pre-Cut to Size from your Supplier...
Download these simple floor plans and simply drill to fit.